I am such a fan of these two. I won't go into detail here, but let's just say basically nothing about this shoot went according to the original plan. Codi + Kaden took the evening in stride like champs. Kaden even found our final location (that lovely limestone!) himself. Sessions like this make me so thankful for the clients I have. I'm so excited for you guys to begin your new life together just a little less than a month from now! I know the day will be full of loved ones, laughter, maybe a few tears, and so much celebrating! 

Donning a dress and cutoffs respectively, Codi and I took our shoes off and waded across this little creek. Cold, but easy peasy. Kaden however took a more adventurous way back. Yall, a brief moment occurred where I thought our groom-to-be might end up soaked in his nicest duds but bravery + athleticism prevailed. That look of sweet relief post landing in that last image is priceless.